The Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities is to release seven parcels of Crown Land on Christmas Island, in the Indian Ocean, to promote economic activity there.
Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government, John McVeigh announced the results of a Registration of Interest for the land on Christmas Island, saying he now proposed to sell all seven parcels on the open market and offer long-term leases on four more.
“I have written to all applicants to advise the outcome of their particular application,” Dr McVeigh said.
He said proposed projects included tourist accommodation, agricultural development, residential housing, retail complexes and aged care accommodation.
“The number and diversity of applications demonstrates the willingness of organisations to invest in the future of Christmas Island and support ongoing economic development,” Dr McVeigh said.
“Where the requested land poses rock-fall and stormwater risks, or where no land was identified in the registration of interest, I have asked the Department to work with proponents to identify alternative sites.”
He said that as the sale or longer-term lease of the sites were subject to approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, he had asked his Department to submit a referral to the Department of Environment and Energy.
“Work to finalise the sale and lease of Crown land will be undertaken as a priority to ensure the Island can realise the economic benefits as soon as possible,” Dr McVeigh said.