A performance audit into the implementation of the Department of Education and Training’s (DET) Early Years Management Policy Framework has found the Department failed to provide enough support to achieve the outcomes of the framework.
In his report, Early Years Management in Victorian Sessional Kindergartens, Auditor-General Andrew Greaves said the policy framework, which was introduced in July 2016, contained five outcomes focused on improving early years and kindergarten services.
“Studies show that quality early learning has a positive impact on a person’s schooling and adulthood,” Mr Greaves said.
He said his report examined the DET, five Early Years Management (EYM) organisations and three local Councils.
“Early Years Management (EYM) organisations run sessional kindergarten and long day care services,” Mr Greaves said.
“EYM organisations receive support from DET and additional funding from the Victorian Government to deliver services in line with the policy framework’s outcomes,” he said.
“While DET and EYM organisations have made progress in implementing the policy framework, DET’s support has not effectively assisted EYM organisations to meet its intended outcomes.”
Mr Greaves said that due to the Department’s limited performance monitoring, it didn’t know if EYM organisations were delivering services in line with the policy framework’s outcomes.
“This hinders DET’s ability to improve the quality of early learning services for Victorian children,” he said.
The Auditor-General made five recommendations to DET, all of which were accepted, aimed at improving its performance framework and monitoring tools; clearly defining performance expectations; assessing if support addressed program challenges; and strengthening its continuous improvement processes.
Mr Greaves’ 81-page report can be accessed at this PS News link.