26 September 2023

Kids teach grownups about waterway care

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Students across the ACT are to be given free creative to educate Canberrans about protecting the Territory’s waterways as part of a competition being run by the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD).

Opening the EPSDD’s DrainART competition, the Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, Shane Rattenbury encouraged students from Year’s 5 to 12 to become involved by drawing, painting or creating digital art about simple actions that could protect Canberra’s waterways.

“The DrainART competition is a unique way of communicating advice about keeping the ACT’s waterways healthy,” Mr Rattenbury said.

“Through DrainART, students will encourage the community to take actions that improve water quality and safeguard our water sources for the future.”

He said students’ artworks would be printed as large, durable, weatherproof stickers and installed on top of stormwater drain covers, while their short videos would be featured on EPSDD’s H2OK website and across social media.

“It’s important we do what we can to keep our waterways healthy by only letting rain down our stormwater drains,” the Minister said.

“To avoid flooding, urban stormwater systems are designed to move water away from our homes and streets quickly,” he said.

“This means that the water running through urban areas is quick to carry rubbish, pollution, leaves, fertiliser, and soil sediments directly to our lakes, ponds and rivers.

“This creates water quality problems and can result in toxic algal blooms and lead to lake closures across the city.”

Mr Rattenbury said the competition, open until 16 April, would give participants the chance to win a voucher worth up to $150, or a special Minister’s prize worth $300.

He said all winning artworks would be published online and selected designs may also be used in public installations around the ACT.

Further information on EPSDD’s DrainART competition can be accessed at this PS News link.

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