25 September 2023

IT purchase plan open for feedback

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The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) has invited feedback on its proposed changes to the way the Australian Public Service purchases ICT products and services.

In a statement, the DTA said the changes centred on a new ICT Procurement Framework.

“Earlier this year an exemplar team worked out of the DTA, researching how a framework for ICT procurement could be used, and what those using the framework need out of it,” the statement said.

“The team was made up of people from the Department of Human Services, Australian Tax Office, Department of Finance, Department of Home Affairs, Department of Defence, Department of Health and the DTA.”

It said the team produced a draft framework which was now being released for feedback.

“We want to hear from anyone who will work in this framework,” DTA said.

“That’s both people from Government Agencies, especially those in procurement, and from industry, especially those that sell ICT to Government, or want to in the future.”

It said the draft framework would provide the foundation to deliver a simple and clear approach to Government ICT procurement.

“It is essential we spend the time to get the framework right,” DTA said. “We’re looking for feedback from people working in government and industry.

“This consultation paper includes our findings from user research on government ICT procurement and questions to prompt your thinking.

The Agency said it wanted to know about users’ experience with government ICT procurement and how the proposed framework would impact on their work.

“We have provided a set of questions to guide your feedback,” it said.

The draft framework can be accessed from the DTA website at this PS News link and feedback is required by 24 April.

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