25 September 2023

Isic Tutor EP

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Reviewed by Ian Phillips.

By Xavier Dunn, Released on 1825 2018.

Xavier Dunn is a multi-instrumentalist and producer who is establishing himself as one of Australia’s most exciting up-and-coming producers with over 20 million Spotify streams and three HyperMachine #1 positions to his name.

This is the first time I’ve heard his recorded work and I’m impressed.

In fact, I accidentally stumbled upon him because in my haste I read only his first name before clicking the download.

The EP was made over a 12-month period and, according to the blurb that came with it, it is reminiscent of Icelandic artist, Olafur Arnalds and German composer Nils Fraham’s work.

As I’m not familiar with their work I can but say I like Xavier’s efforts.

He has experimented with found sounds and combined them with multiple instrumental tracks coming up with a set of four songs that contain folk lyricism, pop melodies and hooks, and a production that gives the whole lot an ambient and expansive feel.

Xavier has attracted the interest of many in the music press.

Reviews of his work have been glowing in their praise of his technical craft as well as his voice, music, and vision.

Blackbook Magazine said: “(Isic Tutor is a) paradigm of ethereal neo-soul music (think Sam Smith crossed with The Blue Nile), all gossamer atmospherics, languorous comportment and Dunn’s smooth visceral falsetto.”

The EP is certainly ethereal and quite haunting.

I was often reminded of the work of Brian Eno, particularly in Xavier’s use of ambient sounds.

The EP has a refined and elegant production as well as a calming and serene overall feel.

If this EP is anything to go by then Xavier Dunn is worth keeping an eye on.

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