The South Australian Branch of the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) has developed a list of tips and resources to help SA PS staff members struggling to manage stress and uncertainty.
In a statement, the IPAA said the advice it had gathered should help officers meet the current moment with its continued uncertainty, exhaustion and other continuing reverberations of the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to IPAA, top of the list is mindful walking — the Institute saying mindfulness can be described as making yourself fully present in the moment — being aware of your body, thoughts and surroundings.
It suggests finding a quiet place at least five metres in length and slowly walk.
“Draw your attention to the sensations of movement and your body acting to keep you balanced.”
It says that when you reach the end of the space, turn, and walk again — keeping yourself aware of the sensations.
It also says that practising gratitude can help appreciate the small things in life and help the brain choose joy over stress.
“A simple gratitude practice to follow every day is to make a list of three things (big or small) that you are grateful for,” it says.
“You will be surprised by the end of the week how many wonderful things are happening in your day.”
Finally, it advises to take a minute to pause and ground yourself in the moment — “this exercise can be helpful if you feel that the world around you is moving too fast or there is simply too much going on”.
It also suggests starting by choosing a natural object nearby that you can direct your focus toward.
“For the next two minutes, focus solely on the object, exploring every aspect of its form, appreciating its features and place in your surroundings.”
More information can be found on the IPAA website which can be accessed at this PS News link.