26 September 2023

IP Australia gears up for possible AI danger

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IP Australia has announced it has undertaken some work exploring the possible impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the ‘rights system’ the Agency administers as Intellectual Property (IP).

“What might generative AI mean for the IP rights system?” IP Australia asked.

“How might prompt-based generation of novel content, including images and text, affect the IP rights administered by IP Australia?”

The agency said that based on interviews, research and exploration of the capabilities of the new technology, the ventures team within IP Australia has made some preliminary observations.

“Several implications have been identified to help inform any future conversations about the topic,” it said.

It said AI was a step-change for the IP system; it will mean more ‘actors’ in the IP system; it will cross cut effects across parts of business; and will need to evolve quickly.

“Generative AI is not yet a mature technology;” IP Australia said, “generative AI holds the potential for significant advancements, and relying on assumptions about what generative AI can’t do based solely on its current performance is risky.”

It also identified three ‘Paradigm shifts’: From inventing with tools, to tools inventing; From scarcity to abundance; and Afit-for-purpose system.

“These observations are accompanied by a series of ‘provocations’ or scenario pieces, that illustrate different possibilities of how generative AI might intersect with each of the IP rights,” IP Australia said.

“These aren’t forecasts or predictions; rather they are an attempt to test assumptions and reduce uncertainty about what could happen with generative AI.”

Further information about AI and IP can be accessed at this PS News link.

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