Wolston Correctional Centre (WCC) is trialling a new voicemail system aimed at reducing the strain and stress of incarceration on prisoners and their families.
Violence Prevention Coordinator at Wolston, ‘Lynne’ initiated the prison voicemail system within the facility.
If successful, it will be rolled out to all centres in Queensland.
“Stress and feelings of loss and hopelessness for prisoners can lead to incidents of self-harm, suicide, poor institutional behaviour and violence,” Lynne said.
“By implementing a system where prisoners can keep in better contact with family and loved ones, the pressures of prison life can be eased by providing a sense of belonging and security, with a reduction in feelings of isolation,” she said.
The prison voicemail system was adopted from the United Kingdom and has received praise overseas for its innovation in keeping families connected during custodial periods.
Lynne said there is no cost to the centre and the set up process for families is easy, with various price plans available.
Prisoners can check messages as often as they like, with the option to reply and/or speak to the account holder if they opt to pick up the phone.
The centre also benefits by reducing administrative tasks associated with sending mail and a lowered demand for phones at peak times.
Calls can be monitored as per normal procedure and all messages are stored in the prison voicemail system, which can be accessed by the centre if needed.
General Manager at the WCC, Chief Superintendent Scott Collins said Lynne had been instrumental in the implementation of the prison voicemail trial, with had earned her a Commissioner’s Award for Excellence.
“Lynne’s commitment to prisoner rehabilitation and her proactive and passionate nature has led the way in developing many innovative practices to support the daily functions of the centre,” Chief Superintendent Collins said.