27 September 2023

Infrastructure building has head for the future

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The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources has joined with the Department of Education, Skills and Employment to develop the 2021 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap.

The roadmap aims to identify Australia’s research infrastructure needs and priorities for the next five to 10 years.

Leader of the expert working group developing the roadmap, Ziggy Switkowski (pictured) said it would consult with the research community, universities, State and Territory Governments, industry and business.

“The roadmap will outline national research infrastructure required over the coming decade to maintain research excellence, increase innovation and address emerging research challenges,” Dr Switkowski said.

He said that every five years, there was a need to consolidate and renew the policy approach to national research infrastructure investment by engaging the research community and its stakeholders in the development of a strategic roadmap.

“For the 2021 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap, we have designed a consultation process that will be delivered mostly online, to pre-empt any issues with COVID-19-related border closures,” Dr Switkowski said.

“You will have many opportunities to provide your input, starting with a survey, and progressing to facilitated meetings and online brainstorms.”

He said the insights the working group wanted were how national research infrastructure (NRI) was currently used; what was needed from NRI both now and into the future; and what were the emerging trends, challenges and possible solutions.

Further information can be accessed at this PS News link.

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