25 September 2023

Indigenous legal program to draw on art

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A new program using visual arts and storytelling to communicate legal advice to people in remote Indigenous communities has been officially launched in Kununurra, Western Australia.

Developed by Legal Aid Western Australia and supported by the Federal Attorney-General’s Department, Blurred Borders will assist frontline legal assistance staff to support people to better understand and communicate effectively about the law, make informed legal choices and actively participate in legal processes.

Attorney-General, Christian Porter said the Government had provided almost $160,000 towards the project and the rollout of a community legal education resource kit.

“The kit is now available in several communities, including at Kununurra, Halls Creek, Balgo, Billilun and Mulan in Western Australia, and the Victorian River District, Kalkarindji, and Lajamanu in the Northern Territory,” Mr Porter said.

Blurred Borders draws on the strong cultural ties that have long existed between these cross-border communities and their rich traditions in the arts and storytelling to communicate legal information in a way that is more accessible and can more easily be understood.”

WA Senator Dean Smith launched the Blurred Borders project on behalf of the Attorney-General.

“This is a fantastic and innovative project that will help people to engage with the justice system, and to understand their legal rights, protections and responsibilities,” Senator Smith said.

“Training in the use of the kit has been provided to frontline legal assistance staff in several communities, and there is a strong sense that the approach we are taking will make a real difference to people and the communities in which they live.”

He said Blurred Borders is funded under the Community Legal Services Program within the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department.

The multifaceted kit also includes child protection material and technology providing access to online legal resources.

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