Reviewed by Ian Phillips.
By King Hannah, Spunk records/Virgin Music Australia 2022.
King Hannah is Hannah Merrick and Craig Whittle who are based in Liverpool, England.
The pair met and formed their band in 2017 while waiting tables in Liverpool and released their first EP, Tell Me Your Mind, And I’ll Tell You Mine, in 2020.
I’m Not Sorry, I Was Just Being Me is their debut LP and it’s a beauty.
The opening track, A Well-made Woman, is a moody introduction to the album with its sparse backing built around a simple guitar riff, rumbling deep bass and scattered drumming.
Merrick’s vocal is understated and the whole track is punctuated by snatches of great distorted lead guitar from Craig Whittle.
It’s a brilliant opening to an impressive album.
The dozen songs on the disc are full of darkness and they are totally mesmerising.
That’s not to suggest that the album is unrelentingly dark, it’s not.
There’s wit and humour as well as introspection and moments of lightness.
King Hannah is doing their own thing and they welcome us to join them, but we do so on their terms.
They are true to their indie roots and are determined to pursue their own path.
The King Hannah sound is all about the vibe and a good deal of effort has gone into creating the right soundscapes to go with Hannah Merrick’s unusual lyrics.
This is where craig Whittle comes to the fore.
Hannah Merrick may stand centre-stage, but there is no King Hannah without Craig Whittle’s insightful arrangements and refined, selective and poised playing.
King Hannah understands the power and potency of economy and of space in their music
I’m Not Sorry, I Was Just Being Me is one of the most impressive albums I heard in some time.
There are some interesting clips of the band on YouTube, including an extended live clip in the studio that’s worth watching.