The Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission (ICRC) has released its first issues paper relating to the pricing policy of the ACT Public Cemeteries Authority (Canberra Cemeteries).
In a statement, the ICRC said it had been asked by the Treasurer to provide advice to help ensure a new crematorium facility proposed for Gungahlin would operate in a manner consistent with competitive neutrality.
“Stage one of the process required the Commission to develop detailed pricing principles to guide Canberra Cemeteries in developing a costing methodology and prices for public crematorium services,” ICRC said.
It said stage two would require the Commission to assess Canberra Cemeteries’ pricing policy, including its proposed pricing, for compliance with the competitive neutrality policy.
“The Commission will review the cost methodology and pricing schedule to ensure they are consistent with the principles, and provide a report to the ACT Government and Canberra Cemeteries on its findings and any recommendations,” ICRC said.
It said it had released an Issues Paper for public consultation, with submissions to be accepted until 14 February.
The final report is due to be completed by 29 May.
The 32-page Issues Paper can be accessed at this PS News link.