25 September 2023

Human rights to avoid human wrongs

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ACT Corrective Services (ACTCS) is inviting community feedback on proposed new Human Rights Standards to apply across the Agency, ensuring people who are detained are safe and have regular access to treatment and rehabilitation.

Minister for Corrections, Shane Rattenbury said the Standards would outline how a detainee would be supported from their initial contact with Corrections through to their release.

“Correctional centres in the ACT must be a safe and secure environment where all persons are protected from harm and feel safe, and security is managed in the least restrictive way possible in the circumstances,” Mr Rattenbury said.

He said key focus areas included safety, respect and dignity, purposeful activity, rehabilitation and release planning.

“Together this creates a platform to focus on detainee rehabilitation, including education, training and work opportunities,” Mr Rattenbury said.

“The focus is to take every measure possible to maximise a detainee’s ability to integrate into the community upon release.”

He said the Human Right Standards would be monitored by a number of oversight Agencies and review functions.

“The Inspector of Correctional Services has a vital role to play in identifying any systemic issues in adult corrections, proposing solutions and working collaboratively to promote continuous improvement,” Mr Rattenbury said.

The Minister said that rather than speak of human rights in esoteric terms, the Standards gave real meaning to the commitment to human rights and support for the successful reintegration of offenders into the community.

Consultation on the Standards is open until 18 May and the six-page Standards can be accessed at this PS News link.

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