Michelle King* says the first step to tackling everyday sexism is to be aware of it.
Award-winning drama Mad Men provided a fictionalised glimpse into a male-dominated workplace of a bygone era.
The sexism experienced by female employees like Peggy and Joan was blatant, commonplace, and deemed acceptable.
We might shake our heads in disapproval at the misogyny on full display, safe in the knowledge that we have evolved past such outdated attitudes and would never accept this behaviour in a modern-day workplace.
However, we may not have evolved as far as we think.
Sexism still exists in workplaces and is common problem women encounter every day.
In a modern society that perceives itself as having achieved gender equality, it is becoming increasingly challenging to address sexism and discrimination at work.
When we deny everyday sexism, it makes it impossible to solve and very difficult for women who do speak up.
Laura Bates, the founder of The Everyday Sexism Project, created a digital platform to bring to light everyday sexist experiences.
Bates has received over 100,000 submissions worldwide in 13 different languages.
Every account details individual experiences of marginalisation, discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual assault.
“I expected the vast majority of our entries to concern street harassment, but actually, the single biggest category that we have is workplace incidents. Obviously, that made it clear that there is a real hidden problem still going on,” says Bates.
In 2016, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) research in the United Kingdom, in partnership with The Everyday Sexism Project, found that 52 per cent of women surveyed had experienced some form of sexual harassment.
However, a staggering 80 per cent hadn’t reported it when it happened.
“It’s systemic. And for me, the thing that reveals that is another statistic from that same research, which is that yes, only 20 per cent of women reported what happened.
“But if you dig into those who did report, 75 per cent said nothing changed, and another 16 per cent said they were treated worse after reporting.
“Women don’t report because the systems aren’t there to support them,” she says.
The problem tends to worsen for those living at the intersection of sexism and racism or other prejudice.
Also, workers in lower-paid roles or the service industry can be more vulnerable to harassment but feel they can’t report it as they might lose their job.
Vulnerable workers often don’t have human resource departments to raise a formal complaint with.
Given those in positions of power, which are still dominated by men, often deny gender and racial bias, it is exceedingly difficult for employees to raise any issues.
In turn, this makes it difficult for employees to fully engage in diversity and inclusion efforts because they feel that leaders either do not take these efforts seriously or that it engaging in them will come at a cost to their career advancement.
Laura says several factors contribute to persistent denial of everyday sexism.
“There are people who deliberately want to brush this under the carpet because it benefits them to keep the system as it is.
“There is also genuine invisibility of the problem, which arises from a number of factors like the blaming of victims, which silences women.
“There are a million ways in which we learned from a very young age, firstly, that this is to be expected, and secondly, that if you do make a fuss, you should expect to be the one who’s blamed. This silences the problem.”
Women’s accounts of everyday sexism reveal many men are shocked by the reports made as they are simply unaware this is even happening to women.
These male colleagues can become much-needed allies within the workplace.
However, research finds that male employees may also be wary of addressing sexism that they witness in the workplace due to an organisational ‘climate of silence.’
A recent study from the nonprofit organisation Catalyst found that 86 per cent of men believe it is right to interrupt sexist behaviour when they see it in the workplace—but only 31 per cent feel confident to do so.
Men want to help but are concerned about the possible repercussions of speaking up.
“I think there are people who don’t want to know, and there are people who genuinely have no idea.
“All of that kind of silencing, covering up, and invisibility adds to the shame and stigma that makes it difficult to solve the problem,” says Bates.
To tackle everyday sexism, we have to become aware of it.
Only by disrupting the culture of denial and calling out these moments when they happen can organisations tackle the behaviours that create these experiences in the first place.
Confronting the reality of everyday occurrences of inequality is the only way to ensure it is truly a thing of the past.
*Michelle King is a globally recognised expert on gender equality and organisational culture.
This article first appeared at forbes.com.