26 September 2023

Hot messenger system new for emergencies

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A new emergency messaging system is to be rolled out across the country to improve the way warnings and alerts are issued during an emergency event.

Announced by the Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Murray Watt, the cell broadcast National Messaging System (NMS) is to use state-of-the-art technology to enhance how the Commonwealth delivered emergency messages.

“It will also improve how States and Territories issue alerts and warnings to mobile phones and devices during a crisis or emergency event, in near real time,” Senator Watt said.

“Drawing on technology currently used overseas, the speed and effectiveness of the NMS will substantially improve Australia’s ability to send prioritised warnings from trusted sources, to prevent the loss of life, injury, damage to property, and mitigate the spread of misinformation during disasters,” he said.

“This new technology will also allow Governments to send messages in English and a second language in order to provide accurate, official information to multicultural communities, helping them to understand the risks and make appropriate decisions about their personal safety.”

Senator Watt said a Taskforce would be established to drive the delivery of a Public Safety Mobile Broadband (PSMB) capability, led by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).

He said PSMB capability would deliver a mobile broadband service that provided Public Safety Agencies and first responders with fast and secure voice, video and data communications.

“Near instant access to data, images and information in critical situations will be enabled along with real time, data-rich analytics, situational awareness and cross-border communications between, for example, ground crews, aerial assets and incident control centres,” Senator Watt said.

“This will support the coordination of responses across organisational and geographic boundaries, and enhance Australia’s ability to manage emergencies, hazards and threats.

“Establishing a Taskforce is a critical step in advancing the national PSMB program following the independent review of the PSMB in 2022,” he said.

Senator Watt said the PSMB was a key recommendation of the 2020 Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements.

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