26 September 2023


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Special mention this week of some exemplary examples of excellence from our ‘headlines of hope’ file as creativity in composition called it home at the Australian Border Force (ABF) and the Australian Research Council (ARC).

Charged with the job of protecting the nation’s borders from illegal people and products, the ABF went straight to the pointy end of piscine pertinacity to announce the discovery of a load of illegal drugs in shipping containers purportedly full of fish from Peru, coming up with the inspired headline: “Catch of the day – man arrested after 59 kilogram cocaine seizure”.

Very clever. Well done!

Meanwhile over at the ARC, proof – if we needed it – that the oldies are the goodies when the Council announced a new facility for improving research into the science of building railway lines under the steam engine headline: “Australia’s rail industry on track with new research training centre.”

Another sample of PS creativity so a hearty ‘Well done’ as well.

And while on the ARC effort of excellence, PS-sssst! doesn’t actually have the statistical facts at hand but we are relatively confident that we can be fairly sure that it could be that headline is close to being roughly around the one-millionth time the words ‘on track’ have been used in connection with a railway-related story.

If so, congratulations could almost be in order, just in case!

Bucket wish!

An amusing aside now from our wise and witty correspondent Philomena S of the Victorian Department of Health & Human Services who is never short of supplying a saying or two, specially on those occasional occasions when PS-sssst! is short of supplying a story or two.

This week Philomena has directed her attention to the design of modern motor cars, pointing to an unspoken but uncomfortably real attribute that often goes unnoticed.

“The trouble with bucket seats,” pontificated the preponderant Philomena, “is that not everybody has the same size bucket!”

How true!

Obviously an observation taken from the very seat of power!

Seeing things

To Rama Gaind’s ever-popular weekly giveaway now in which Rama has two copies of the entertaining children’s picture book The Flying Optometrist by Joanne Anderton in her generous throwaway sights.

To win one of the books all we needed to do was repeat from Rama’s Review the name of the person whose father inspired her to write the book in the first place.

Unsurprisingly, the correct name was the author’s, Joanne Anderton, and the lucky readers whose correct entries were first out of the PS News Barrel of Booty were Mina C from the Federal Department of Home Affairs, and Gwen T of the Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy.

Congratulations to Mina and Gwen and thanks to everyone who took part. The books will be on their way very soon.

For another chance to become famous as a workplace winner, simply follow this link and then follow Rama’s easy instructions.

Good luck!

Creatively evolved

And finally, at last, the final word on the controversial debate of Creation vs Evolution with John C of Canberra pointing out the fatal flaw in at least one of the doctrines, possibly both.

“If humans evolved from monkeys and apes,” queries the inquisitive John.

“Why do we still have monkeys and apes?”

Great question, John.

Maybe the more environmentally meaningful question is whether the creator or evoluter got it the right way round and why he, she or it bothered in the first place!

Till next week……

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