Belconnen is receiving its first delivery of green waste bins to households that have registered for the new service.
Minister for Housing and Suburban Development and MLA for Ginninderra, Yvette Berry said the first collections of the bins would be made on 3 September.
“Since registration for Belconnen residents commenced on 1 August, we have already had 4,252 residents sign up for the service, which is a fantastic response,” Ms Berry said.
Attorney-General and also MLA for Ginninderra, Gordon Ramsay said the service had been extremely popular to date with nearly half of all households in the pilot areas of Weston Creek and Tuggeranong joining the scheme.
“It is pleasing to see that 22,500 households out of 46,500 in these pilot areas want a green waste bin,” Mr Ramsay said.
“Weston Creek and Tuggeranong services are fully operational.”
He said residents living in the older Belconnen suburbs of Holt, Cook, Kaleen, Macquarie and Hawker as well as newer suburbs such as Lawson could register to receive a green bin for a one-off $50 fee or for free for eligible concession card holders.
He said residents registering until next Tuesday (21 August) would receive their bin between 3 and 14 September.
Mr Ramsay said that following this initial period, residents would receive bins within five working days of registering.
Ms Berry said the Government was driving forward with its commitment to deliver green waste bins to Canberra residents, with the rollout across the rest of Canberra planned for mid 2019.