Public sector organisations with gender equality expertise are being sought by the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector to apply for grants to conduct research projects.
Qualified organisations have until 24 May to apply for first round funding which could be as high as $100,000 out of a total pool of $350,000.
The Commissioner, Niki Vincent said the Inaugural Research Grants Round would fund high-quality research to support the Commission’s work.
“The Gender Equality Act is the first of its kind in Australia, so it’s important that we continue to build the evidence base to understand how organisations can address inequalities in their workplace and meet their obligations under the Act,” Dr Vincent said.
“The Commission is seeking applications for research projects that continue to build the evidence base underpinning the Act and support defined entities to fulfil their obligations,” she said.
“For Victoria to establish itself as a leading jurisdiction in gender equality, it will be important to gather evidence and research to underpin the roll out of the Act and to maximise the effectiveness of the Act and the Commissioner.”
Dr Vincent said academic researchers and the community sector would also be eligible to apply.
She said possible areas for research included understanding the conditions that led to the Act and how other jurisdictions may follow; continuing to build the evidence base, including key indicators of workplace gender equality; and qualitative case studies of how organisations are meeting their obligations under the Act.
“I am pleased to be partnering with academics and gender equality research experts through this new research grant funding and am looking forward to the insights this will yield,” Dr Vincent said.
Further information in the Commission’s grants program, including how to apply, can be accessed at this PS News link.