May Busch* has some advice for people having difficulty navigating their way through these uncertain times.
How are you doing?
I’m asking because it’s been a worrying few weeks in the world with all the Coronavirus-related news and the uncertainty this brings.
So I wanted to check in with you.
On my end, it’s been a little stressful having to make the decision to cancel my international flights to see my parents early last week.
They’re in their 80s and I didn’t want to risk bringing germs.
Also having all my speaking engagements put on hold, and wondering whether we’ll be in lock down mode at some point.
We’re living through a moment in history when the world is facing the unknown, the unknowable and the uncontrollable.
If you’re worried too, I understand. It’s natural.
I wanted to share a few thoughts with you that I’ve found helpful to make the best of a challenging situation.
Prioritise self-care: First and foremost, be kind to yourself. Listen to your body.
Taking care of yourself physically and mentally is vital in times of stress, worry and anxiety because it’s draining to be ‘on alert’ 24/7.
Prioritising your wellness will help keep your immune system strong and allow you to be available to support others who depend on you.
Cultivate calm: In tough times, it’s important to cultivate a state of calm so you can think clearly, make good decisions and stay healthy.
A great way to cultivate calm is to breathe — slow, rhythmic breathing is proven to help calm your nervous system — and let go of everything that’s outside of your control.
If watching the stock market gyrations or reading the news makes you upset or feel panicked, then avoid those activities.
Having lived through many downturns, I can attest that acting in a panic tends not to work well.
Connect with people: Even though we’re using social distancing to avoid spreading the virus, it’s essential to keep up your human connections in other ways, especially if you live alone.
Video chat, call or write to family members and friends, especially those who are most at risk, live alone or are introverts who may not reach out to you.
Spend quality time with the people you’re with.
Show leadership: When everyone around you is afraid, anxious and preoccupied with their own troubles, it’s an open invitation for you to step into that best version of yourself and reach out to others.
To be someone who helps pull others out of ‘threat state’ and helps them return to trust and calm.
Whether or not you have a title, you can be that leader.
Make the most of your time: If your work and life have been disrupted by travel bans, self-isolating and being told to work from home, recognise it as a golden opportunity.
You’ve been given the gift of time now that you don’t have to commute or attend meetings and events.
With my trip cancelled, I’m looking forward to getting to the things I haven’t had time to do but want to.
Namely, getting rested, thinking strategically about my business, and clearing up my backlog of admin tasks.
As with all crises, this too shall pass.
The key is to take actions now that help you emerge better and stronger than before.
I hope these strategies will help you do just that.
In the meantime, I’d love to hear how you’re doing and what you’re doing to make the best of the situation.
*May Busch’s mission is to help leaders and their organisations achieve their full potential. She can be contacted at [email protected].
This article first appeared on May’s blogsite.