27 September 2023


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Reviewed by Ian Phillips.

By Bonnie Kellett, RTC Records 2023.

Gaslight is the new single from South Australian born singer/songwriter Bonnie Kellett who now lives on the central Coast of NSW.

It’s the latest release from her upcoming album, Hidden Spirit.

Gaslighting is a hot topic at the moment and Bonnie’s song is written from personal experience.

The song came about as Bonnie’s attempt to write herself out of a toxic situation.

It started as a poem and has ended up as a powerful song joining the other great tracks she has already released as singles.

The album should be worthwhile checking out.

Gaslight was recorded with ARIA Award winning producer Govinda Doyle (who produced Big Jet Plane for Angus & Julia Stone) in his Gold Coast studio.

Bonnie and Govinda set out to give the track an edginess to match the lyrical content.

Bonnie wanted the listener to “feel uneasy and off balance, like something wasn’t right.”

They achieved this by featuring pizzicato notes on the guitar while producing reverse sound effects on percussion and guitar chords.

While there is some wooziness induced by the sound manipulation it’s not over the top but subtle enough to be barely noticeable.

Bonnie has been busy touring the country over the last two years with artists of the calibre of Amber Lawrence, Kirsty Lee Akers, Lee Kernaghan, and Casey Chambers so she is certainly getting noticed.

Keep your eye out for Hidden Spirit.

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