The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) said the Voluntary Fisheries Adjustment Scheme (VFAS) was now open.
The scheme enables commercial and charter operators to access assistance in adjusting to the new management changes needed for the recovery of demersal scalefish stocks from Kalbarri to Augusta.
Under the scheme, commercial fishers can voluntarily surrender units of entitlements and their associated Fishing Boat Licence in return for agreed compensation. Commercial fishers have until 30 September to submit an offer.
The Department said that from 1 July a new quota tag allocation system was being introduced for charter operators who hold a Fishing Tour Operator Licence in the West Coast region.
“Under the quota system, 6,000 tags (applies to the top four species) have been allocated between 21 charter operators in the region, based on their catch history over the past five years,” it said.
“To help transition to the new quota tag system, the Charter Diversification Scheme will allow eligible charter operators to apply for grants of up to $20,000 to diversify their business into other tourism experiences.”
Grants of up to $5,000 were also available to eligible operators with some reliance on catching demersal scalefish who did not receive tags.
“Remember, you can switch your fishing activities to non-demersal species such as mahi mahi, tuna and whiting in the West Coast region all year around,” the Department said.