The Department of Human Services has invited the parents and carers of autistic people to take part in a forum on the State’s first autism strategy.
According to the Department, developing the Strategy is an important step towards creating a more knowledgeable and inclusive community where autistic people can meaningfully participate.
“In order to inform the development of the Strategy, we want to hear about your experiences and ideas to support the autistic and autism communities in South Australia,” the Department said.
“The forum will be delivered in a facilitated workshop format, where each participant will be assigned to a roundtable group discussion of 8 to 10 people, and each table focuses on four questions from South Australia’s first Autism Strategy,” it said.
“We will explore a range of priority issues that have been identified by the autistic and autism communities, including access to government services, community attitudes, safety, equity, health and wellbeing.”
The Department said the forum would take place at the Adelaide Zoo Sanctuary Room on 17 February, with final registration to attend before or by 10 February.
It said that if a person could not attend the forum but wished to be involved, they could respond to a Discussion Paper and/or make their viewpoint known on the ‘YourSay’ online until 20 February.
For more information on the Autism Strategy and to have your say, visit this PS News link.