26 September 2023

Electric cars revved up for generous subsidies

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Queensland’s Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy has started to rev up with new rebates and infrastructure funds being offered from this month.

Announced by the Minister for Transport and Main Roads, Mark Bailey, the strategy is aimed at encouraging motorists to take up Electric Vehicles (EV).

“This year, we launched our upgraded strategy looking towards 2032 with a focus on breaking down the two key barriers to EV – cost and charging infrastructure,” Mr Bailey said.

“A key part of this included a $45 million commitment to deliver $3,000 rebates towards new EV purchases to bring down the initial purchase price, which EV drivers can claim,” he said.

“Vehicles purchased on or after 16 March this year that are up to a dutiable value of $58,000 or less (including GST), and registered in Queensland, are eligible.”

He said another $10 million EV Infrastructure Scheme has also been set up to operate as a co-funding opportunity for industry, local Councils and other eligible entities to partner with the Government.

“The investment will be delivered as a co-contribution with industry and local government partners, and is designed to accelerate investment in the Queensland EV charging network.”

Mr Bailey emphasised the importance of having charging infrastructure available for the electric vehicles in view of Queensland being home to the longest road network in the country.

“We’ve already built the Electric Super Highway and are expanding the network even further,” he said.

“Whether someone is driving from Maryborough to Marlborough, or from Coolangatta to Cairns, we want them to have charging options along the way.”

Mr Bailey said investing in the new infrastructure will mean Queenslanders will be able to go further than ever and enjoy a carefree journey when travelling in an EV.

“There are now almost 10,000 EVs registered in Queensland, which is double what we saw this time last year,” he said.

“Cars account for almost half of Queensland’s transport sector emissions, so this level of EV uptake will only deliver positive environmental and economic benefits to our state.”

He said the rebate would help kick-start the second-hand EV market in Queensland and make the State an attractive sales location for a variety of models.

More information, including how to apply for the EV can be accessed at this PS News link.

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