The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has launched a register of doubtful issues relating to Australian elections in a bid to debunk the mistruths that are often spread concerning federal election processes.
Unveiled by Australian Electoral Commissioner, Tom Rogers, the Commission’s Disinformation Register is the latest tool in the AEC’s fight against misleading and deceptive information about how elections are run.
“The Australian vote belongs to all Australians and there is freedom of political communication,” Mr Rogers said.
“However, if you spread incorrect information about the processes we run – deliberately or otherwise – we’ll correct you.”
He said false information aimed at the free, fair and secure election process that has operated in Australia for many years can do significant damage to public trust.
“Scrutiny is important but it must be well informed,” Mr Rogers said.
“Australian elections are too important to let these things go through to the keeper, especially when people aren’t acting in good faith.”
He said the AEC’s Disinformation Register already contained several examples of incorrect information spread online in late 2021 and early 2022.
The Commissioner said each piece of disinformation the AEC displays comes with the platform it was spread on, its timing, and the correct information fact.
“The register is a searchable database of mistruths the AEC has identified about Australian election processes – ranging from the sophisticated to the ridiculous,” Mr Rogers said.
“The message here is simple: the AEC will not tolerate the spread of mis or disinformation about our electoral system, no matter the source,” he said.
The Commission’s Disinformation Register can be accessed at this PS News link.