26 September 2023

Election office after officials for Council polls

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The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has launched a campaign to sign up Returning Officers for the State’s Local Government elections in 2024.

Electoral Commissioner, Pat Vidgen said the campaign was aimed to attract people with the flexibility to work and travel for periods of about eight weeks to be part of the ECQ’s election delivery team.

“Returning Officers perform a crucial role during an election with important responsibilities for managing election services in their areas,” Mr Vidgen said.

“Working at an election is a unique experience and is also a great way to earn some extra money, meet new people and help deliver democracy in local communities.”

He said democracy could not function without a dedicated team of election officials “so if you are looking for a way to contribute to your community and are a professional, experienced and organised team player, we’d be interested in hearing from you”.

“Delivery of the 2024 Local Government elections will require a team of 102 Returning Officers and 48 Assistant Returning Officers,” Mr Vidgen said.

“We’re particularly looking for people who are willing to work in regional and remote parts of the State, in places such as Lockhart River in the Far North, Cloncurry in the North-West, Diamantina and Barcaldine in the Central West or Balonne in the South-West.”

He urged interested people to look out for campaign messages on social media channels, and follow the ECQ to receive the latest information about elections in Queensland.

Applications close on 3 March and applications can be made on SmartJobs at this PS News link.

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