The Department for Education is highlighting the work of its Community Liaison Officers (CLOs) who support the settlement, wellbeing, inclusion and learning of students from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.
Releasing three videos celebrating its CLOs, the Department said the team’s positive contribution enabled children and young people from CALD communities to achieve educational success.
“In the My home, my heart, my story video series, they share their healing personal stories of migrating to Australia and the rewarding experiences of working as a CLO,” the Department said.
“These are just three of our CLO stories,” it said.
“We have other CLOs from different cultural backgrounds working across the State to assist children and young people to settle into school life in Australia.”
The Department said while CLOs could support all cultural groups, they specialised in: African communities – Andre Ntibesha; Bosnian, Croatian, Albanian, Serbian communities – Mirsada Fenn; Middle Eastern communities: Arabic, Kurdish, Turkish – Bushra Rasheed; Afghan Community: Farsi, Dari, Hazaragi – Fariba Ahmadi; Nepalese, Bhutanese, Indian communities – Bala Bhattarai; and Burmese communities – Aye Sandar Sein.
“If you think your family would benefit from connecting with one of the Department’s CLOs, please speak to your child’s teacher,” it said.
The Department said CLOs worked in its Bilingual and Cultural Support team.
“This team was the recipient of the 2020 Governor’s Multicultural Award, which recognises organisations who have made an outstanding contribution to multiculturalism in South Australia,” it said.
The Department’s three videos can be viewed at this PS News link.