The Department of Education has launched a recruitment drive for mathematics teachers for NSW schools to attract industry professionals looking to change careers.
The Department said up to 80 scholarships were available, offering financial and professional benefits, including a guaranteed permanent teaching position in a NSW public school.
It said the scholarships were open to industry professionals from career areas with a strong mathematical focus such as engineering, accounting, business, finance or information technology.
It said STEM-focused university undergraduates, including those studying pure and applied mathematics, were also encouraged to apply.
The Department said the scholarship package included up to $50,000 equivalent upfront course fees to support study of a mathematics teacher education qualification, a guarantee of permanent employment at the completion of study and professional enhancement through paid employment as a paraprofessional in the final three semesters of study.
It said successful applicants would enter or continue an initial teacher education program from the first Semester of next year at a recognised Australian university or tertiary institution to become a mathematics teacher, with studies to be completed no later than the end of 2021.
Applications for the teach.MathsNOW scholarships close on 13 September.
More information about the scholarships, including how to apply, is available on the teach.NSW website at this PS News link.