26 September 2023

Education Directorate marks 50 successful years

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The Education Directorate is celebrating 50 years since the creation of the ACT’s unique school system, calling on public servants, parents and carers and students to get involved.

Announcing celebrations, the Directorate said that on 11 September 1973, the Federal Government declared a statutory body would be appointed to administer ACT public schools from the beginning of 1974.

“The announcement followed seven years of determined advocacy by ACT parents, teachers and educators and four significant reports by eminent working parties and academics,” the Directorate said.

“The appointment of the ACT Schools Authority Council members on 8 October 1973 led to the creation of a new public school system in the ACT, independent of the New South Wales Education Department, and radically different in structure, governance, and curriculum to any other school system in Australia,” it said.

“The school system we have in the ACT today had its genesis in the reforms introduced in 1973.

“Most notably, this includes a unique secondary education structure of Year 7-10 high schools and Year 11 and 12 colleges where external final exams were replaced with continuous assessment.”

The Directorate said the new system was “radically different” in structure, governance and curriculum to any other school system in Australia

It said a program of events and activities would be held throughout the year to recognise the rich history of the ACT’s public education system.

“Each month we will be focusing on a different decade of the ACT school system,” it said.

“We’re kicking off in March with the 1970s.

“We’d love to see your photos and read about your memories of ACT schools in the 1970s or any time from the past 50 years.”

The Directorate said it wanted everyone to get involved in the celebrations, including teachers, school leaders, students, parents, Directorate staff, and members of the ACT’s school communities.

“Whether you are from the past or present, we would love to hear your stories so we can share them with the broader ACT community.”

Further information on the 50th anniversary celebrations can be accessed at this PS News link.

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