26 September 2023


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Reviewed by Ian Phillips.

By Soap, Call & Response 2023.

Soap is a rock band from Brisbane who have been building a reputation in their home city for their energetic performances and eclectic alternative rock that refuses to be defined by genre.

Dysoundra is their latest single and it’s a cracker.

The word Dysoundra is an amalgam of words invented by lead singer Tom Megalos’ younger sister who had trouble saying dyslexia.

It was her bold confidence in saying the word that inspired the lyrical themes of the song that speak of battling with past habits and destructive trains of thought.

Dysoundra is an Impressive track that merges elements of alternative rock, psychedelic, shoegaze, and an overlay of grunge that shows the band is determined to experiment and develop their own sound.

It’s big and unapologetic and reveals some impressive musicianship.

The single was released in late February and has already gained some airtime. It seems to me to be ready made for radio playlists.

The track was produced by Tom Megalos with the assistance of Aiden Hogg (G Flip, Jaguar Jonze) and James Angus (Example, Last Dinosaurs) and both of them are world class producers.

Aiden and James praised the work of Tom and the band for their efforts in recording and basic production which allowed the two of them to concentrate on “creating a detailed world for the song to live in”.

By this I suspect they mean getting the right soundscape to generate the desired supportive atmosphere for the song.

Whatever they did it certainly has worked because the track is totally hypnotic.

I listened to it four times while writing this review.

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