26 September 2023

Drivers ordered to stay off the grass

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The Country Fire Authority (CFA) is warning Victorians to avoid driving vehicles, farm machinery, mowers and motorbikes through dry grass as conditions heat up.

CFA Chief Officer Jason Heffernan said the CFA had responded to a number of significant grass and stubble fires started by mowers, vehicles or machinery over the past fortnight.

“Victoria is expected to experience a grassfire dominated fire season once again but we’re asking the community to do all it can to prevent these fires from starting,” CO Heffernan said.

“In many areas across the state, the risk of starting a fire from hot exhaust systems or other hot parts of farm machinery is high,” he said.

“Even pulling over onto tall, dry grass on the side of the road during your travels could start a significant grassfire.

“Awareness is key to preventing grass and crop fires.”

CO Heffernan said that following a string of hot weather over recent weeks, grassland areas had completely dried out in northern parts of the State, while fuels in the south-west were curing just as quickly.

“[On] 13 January, crews in the State’s west stopped a 300-acre grassfire in its tracks in Illabarook, believed to have started by a seized bearing on a header,” CO Heffernan said.

“The fire quickly spread to dry grass, with flames reaching approximately nine metres tall,” he said.

“Aircraft supported a significant ground response to bring the fire under control.”

CO Heffernan said the recent fires served as a timely reminder for people to be aware of the risks associated with using vehicles and other machinery in and around dry grass.

He said in the right conditions, grassfires could move at speeds of up to 25km per hour and spread across roads and highways.

Further information on grassfires can be accessed at this PS News link.

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