26 September 2023

Drivers given chance to offset car emissions

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NSW drivers can now opt in to offset their vehicle’s carbon emissions each year when they register their car.

Welcoming the Vehicle emission offset scheme, the Minister for Energy, Matt Kean said many Australians were looking for practical ways to take action on climate change and the new Scheme would give people more opportunities to reduce their carbon footprint.

“NSW is the first State to offer this option, with all money going directly into Australian carbon offset projects,” Mr Kean said

“No international credits will be purchased,” he said.

“Contributions from the scheme will be used to purchase Australian Carbon Credit Units that fund activities which reduce or offset CO2 emissions in Australia, helping NSW reach its targets of 70 per cent emissions reduction by 2035 and net zero by 2050.”

Mr Kean said the Scheme was voluntary and participants could choose to offset any amount between $5 and $200 when they registered their vehicle online.

He said the average car generated about 2.4 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year, which could be fully offset by purchasing $80 of carbon offsets at the point of registration.

“The transport sector is responsible for about 22 per cent of all NSW emissions, with almost 50 per cent coming from passenger vehicles,” the Minister said.

“More and more NSW drivers are opting for electric vehicles (EVs) each year, however this scheme gives those drivers who haven’t made the switch yet the option to offset their emissions instead.”

Further information on the Vehicle emission offset scheme can be accessed at this PS News link.

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