A test run of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s (DPIE) new high-tech water metering system is to be delayed until later this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Director of DPIE’s Water Renewal Taskforce, Aaron Walker said the new water metering telemetry system was operational and ready for its next phase.
“The rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation has forced the NSW Government to adjust its plans for face-to-face training and field piloting in April 2020,” Mr Walker said.
“We still plan on undertaking a range of engagements over the second quarter of the year and will publish information on the Department’s website,” he said.
Mr Walker said once the cloud-based telemetry system was rolled out, water users could arrange for duly qualified persons to order and install telemetry equipment as it became available.
“This will enable the secure transmission of water extraction data from water users to the Department, delivering tangible benefits to the government, water users and the general community,” he said.
He said the new system would collect and store data received from local intelligence devices and pass them on to the Natural Resources Access Regulator, WaterNSW and DPIE-Water.
He said water users would also be able to access their information via a private online dashboard.
Mr Walker said the information would be used for compliance and enforcement when new metering rules come into force, as well as for billing and other water management functions.