State Manager of the National Disability Service, Julie Waylen has been named Leader of the Year Working in the Not for Profit Sector at the recent Institute of Public Administration Australia (Western Australia) Achievement Awards.
Ms Waylen (pictured), a Public Sector Commission project partner, is a strong voice for disability service providers. The National Disability Service has supported the Commission to increase disability-confident employment across the Government sector.
In a statement, the Commission said this complemented the actions identified in the People with Disability Action Plan to increase representation of people with disability in public sector employment.
“The project, which has been funded by a Department of Communities Information, Linkages and Capacity Building National Readiness grant, seeks to roll out training and resources across the public sector to ensure that recruitment processes and practices are inclusive for people with disability,” the statement said.
“Having access to appropriate adjustments when applying for positions enables people with disability to fully participate in recruitment, selection and appointment activities — creating a more inclusive and equitable process.”
It gave as an example of an adjustment as the offer of flexible alternatives to a traditional panel interview.
“Enabling skilled jobseekers with disability to compete for positions on a level playing field increases the talent pool and benefits everyone,” the statement said.