26 September 2023

Dinosaurs takeover the City Centre

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Dinosaurs and giant prehistoric creatures are taking over the City Centre this month with the City Renewal Authority and the Cultural Facilities Corporation (CFC) celebrating Enlighten Festival.

Chief Executive of the City Renewal Authority, Craig Gillman said Civic Square and City Walk were to play host to illuminated, finely crafted prehistoric creatures after dark for City Illuminations @Enlighten Festival.

“Canberrans will be amazed and discover the biological ‘big bang’ of planet Earth, where prehistoric life multiplied and evolved from kooky critters to massive beasts,” Mr Gillman said.

He said the City Centre illuminations and activities would complement the broader Enlighten program and offer an immersive and fun experience for all ages to enjoy.

Mr Gillman said Before Us: A Night Walk Through Time was a free family-friendly event, now running from 5 to 11pm daily until 13 March, with life-sized puppets including a T-Rex and prehistoric emu roving the city each night from 6:30 to 9:30pm.

“Building on the success of previous years, we are excited to bring Enlighten Festival back into the City Centre to encourage people to eat, drink, meet friends and be entertained,” the Authority Chief said.

“Roving performances from Erth Visual & Physical Inc. will bring theatrical productions that push the limits of design, content, and experience.”

He said the performances featured an array of prehistoric creatures ranging from the first early life forms of 555 million years ago to dinosaurs that roamed earth up to 66 million years ago.

Chief Executive of the Cultural Facilities Corporation, Gordon Ramsay said Canberra Museum and Gallery and Canberra Theatre Centre were delighted to be part of City Illuminations @Enlighten this year.

“We have a great program of performances on at the Theatre and new exhibitions throughout CMAG, as well as family activities in CMAG and a themed bar on the Theatre terrace,” Mr Ramsay said.

“And we are very excited to have a fossilised Diprotodon skeleton in the CMAG foyer, on loan from the Australia Museum,” he said.

“The family fun will continue in the city at the Canberra Centre with a space-themed activation called ‘It’s Not Rocket Science’”.

Further information on the City Illuminations @Enlighten events program can be accessed at this PS News link.

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