27 September 2023

Crown lands sign on to welcome tourists

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Destination NSW and Crown Lands have struck an historic agreement which will see some of the State’s most significant public assets transformed into iconic tourism destinations.

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) said a Memorandum of Understanding was signed last week (4 June) by the Minister for Water, Property and Housing, Melinda Pavey and Minister for Tourism, Stuart Ayres to transform Crown reserves into tourism hubs.

Mrs Pavey said the agreement marked the launch of DPIE’s Crown land 2031: State Strategic Plan for Crown land, NSW’s first ever State strategic plan for Crown land, to activate the land to grow tourism; support community groups; boost regional economies; advance Aboriginal interests; provide more green open space; and protect the environment.

“There are around 34 million hectares of Crown Land in NSW covering 42 per cent of the State, and the 10-year Crown land 2031 Strategy will ensure the land is put to its best use to benefit communities,” Mrs Pavey said.

“Crown land is community land, we want our communities to unlock its full potential to support not only the local economy, but also its heritage and cultural opportunities, while keeping it in public ownership,” she said.

“Crown land supports showgrounds, racecourses, public marine assets, and organisations like our surf lifesaving clubs, scout and girl guide halls, men’s sheds, and the Rural Fire Service, State Emergency Service and Police Citizens Youth Clubs.”

Mrs Pavey said the Strategy focused on using Crown land to bring communities together through use by local Government, community and not-for-profit organisations.

She said DPIE would also partner with Aboriginal groups to advance Indigenous interests through land rights and native title and to protect sensitive cultural and environmental sites.

“Action Plans will be developed to implement Crown land 2031 to diversify the use of Crown land and expand its public value right across NSW,” she said.

DPIE’s 27-page Strategy can be accessed at this PS News link.

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