A project to gather Ngarrindjeri cultural knowledge of South Australia’s Kurangk (Coorong) has wrapped up with the collected information to be used to inform the future management of the wetland.
The Ngarrindjeri-led initiative research project, the Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin (HCHB) program, has enabled inter-generational learning for Ngarrindjeri people to share knowledge of the Coorong and local ecology.
Chief Executive Officer from Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation (NAC), Tim Hartman, said there was a cultural obligation to care for and manage for the Country.
“Having a Ngarrindjeri led, managed and owned research project allowed Ngarrindjeri to actively take a leadership role to speak on behalf of Yarluwar Ruwe (Lands and Waters) and the ongoing management of the Coorong,” Mr Hartman said.
“It will strengthen the broader community’s understanding on the significance of Ngarrindjeri cultural values and how a healthy system is a requirement of the wellbeing of the Ngarrindjeri people,” he said.
Ngarrindjeri community member, Owen Love Jnr said the community needed more projects where the people are engaged to talk about their Ruwe and have their voices heard.
“I would love to see more projects like this done in the future, focusing on other Ngartji’s and sharing our stories about Ruwe,” Mr Love said.
Senior Aboriginal Partnerships Officer with the Department for Environment and Water, Thomas Overall said the project presented an exciting opportunity to improve ecological outcomes through the respectful application of Ngarrindjeri knowledge.
“This was about supporting critical partnerships with Ngarrindjeri to protect and promote Ngarrindjeri culture, heritage, and responsibilities for Country,” Mr Overall said.
“Ultimately, this will ensure that Ngarrindjeri knowledge is considered, and cultural values are protected, contributing to the wellbeing of the Ngarrindjeri people.”
He said the project helped deliver outcomes including the Ngarrindjeri community members being able to have a safe and culturally appropriate space; NAC able to coordinate bringing Ngarrindjeri community and family groups together to talk and connect with each other; and The research project provided the community a mechanism to have an opportunity to voice what they want to see happen in the future regarding Ngarrindjeri Ruwe.
Ngarrindjeri community members were also able to have a voice in how the Kurangk could be healed and managed going into the future.
“This project provided a further opportunity for NAC to engage with members and common law holders to capture cultural values and principles relating to caring for Yarluwar-Ruwe,” Mr Overall said.
“NAC were able to update community and share the proposed HCHB management actions and provide community members with another space to discuss those actions.”
More information about the Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin program can be accessed at this PS News link.