The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries has announced the appointment of a team of Agriculture Coordination Officers which it says will help producers, Local Governments and others manage the COVID-19 outbreak.
Announcing the initiative, the Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries, Mark Furner said the team was drawn from the Department’s regional economic development, extension, research and biosecurity staff and would ensure rapid assistance during unprecedented times.
“Department of Agriculture and Fisheries staff have always worked closely with producers and industry and we will build on these existing relationships to provide coordinated, timely support,” Mr Furner said.
“There are approximately 100 Agriculture Coordination Officers across the State available to help agribusinesses deal with the complexities of COVID-19 as required.”
He said the support would include assisting producers and industry to access relevant information quickly without having to navigate a myriad of websites and in some cases with limited or no connectivity.”
“Ministry staff will proactively check in with stakeholders to see how they are going and to ensure they have the information they need to manage their situation,” Mr Furner said.
“Agriculture Coordination Officers with suitable regional and technical knowledge will also respond to enquiries from Local Governments through their District and Local Disaster Management Group meetings.”
He said the Department would continue to provide support, information and assistance to commercial, recreational and charter fishers, aquaculture, forestry and quarrying businesses and permittees.