27 September 2023

Confidence Feels Like Sh*t!

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Reviewed by Rama Gaind.

By Erika Cramer, Dean Publishing, $32.95.

The subtitle says it all: the truth about confidence and what it really takes to create it.

Award-winning confidence coach Erika Cramer hopes we gain a new understanding of what confidence is really like.
In fact, she provides a practical guide to creating unshakeable confidence and unstoppable self-belief.

“I really wanted to give this book this title because it’s the absolute core of the work I do every day with thousands of women from all over the world. There’s a truth I always start with, and it is: confidence feels like shit.”

In simple terms the word confidence is defined as “a belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities.” What that definition doesn’t tell you is what it actually takes for most women to “believe in themselves and their powers and abilities” – which is what she hopes the book will uncover for you.

We take knocks to our confidence and self-worth all the time without even noticing it. We can’t help but take their projections of us on board, along with those in our own head.

Erika walks the talk, drawing upon her own personal experience to help women stop accepting less and create true confidence where you retain 100 per cent of the power to choose how you feel, what you believe and how you want to experience your life.

Erika shows you how to: reclaim your confidence and stand as your fully expressed self (filter and apology-free); create the ultimate confidence mindset; stop obsessing about what other people think of you; let go of people-pleasing once and for all; and stop constantly comparing yourself to others.

Erika includes life-altering questions and exercises, and a step-by-step guide to help you coach yourself into the confidence you deserve. Every aspect of your own happiness, healing and self-worth begins and ends with you.

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