27 September 2023

Comments invited on new Bold Park plan

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Feedback is being sought on the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority’s draft Bold Park Management Plan 2022-27.

In a statement, the Authority said Bold Park, one of the largest remaining urban bushland areas in Perth and covering 442 hectares, was declared an A-class reserve in 1998 for its high conservation, landscape and recreation values.

“Reabold Hill is the highest natural point on the Metropolitan Coastal Plain, peaking at 85 metres above sea level,” it said.

“The draft Plan was prepared with input from the community and stakeholders, and details planned initiatives under four management categories: Community engagement and participation; visitor experiences; science and environmental conservation; and amenity and infrastructure.

Minister for the Environment, Amber-Jade Sanderson said Bold Park was an important place for all Western Australians to enjoy.

“It is a significant remnant inner-urban bushland, which helps us to experience what the Swan Coastal plain once looked like and provides a valuable sanctuary for plants and animals in their natural setting,” Ms Sanderson said.

“It is important that the management of this iconic State asset is guided by a Plan that supports natural and heritage values, science and conservation objectives and the health and wellbeing of the community,” she said.

Public submissions are open until 31 January 2022.

The 29-page draft Plan can be accessed at this PS News link.

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