The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) has launched a new initiative and digital advent calendar to encourage Victorian’s to keep road safety on the front of their minds.
The TAC said its digital advent calendar, Spend it Wisely, provided 25 days of road safety tips as well as offers and discounts to businesses throughout the holiday season.
“The calendar encourages Victorians to Spend it Wisely in all forms – from spending money with businesses that have done it tough this year, to spending time on the roads safely to get home to their loved ones,” the TAC said.
“A host of businesses have come on board to contribute offers and discounts for each day of the advent calendar, including Sans Drinks, Village Cinemas and the Melbourne Museum,” it said.
Chief Executive of the TAC, Joe Calafiore said 17 people died on Victorian roads from the start of December up to Christmas Day last year, and 197 people had already died on Victorian roads this year.
“We’ve all done a great job of looking out for each other this year and we want people to extend that care to their fellow road users and contribute to making every journey a safe journey this Christmas,” Mr Calafiore said.
“We all deserve to spend time with our loved ones this festive season, so we are pleading with Victorians to keep themselves, their families and other road users safe when they get on the road,” he said.
The TAC’s Spend it Wisely advent calendar can be accessed at this PS News link.