26 September 2023

Children’s stories mark Commissioner’s role

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The 15th anniversary of the establishment of the position of Commissioner for Children and Young People has been marked by the release of a booklet featuring young people’s stories from across the State.

WA Commissioner for Children and Young People, Jacqueline McGowan-Jones said the booklet, Here I Am, was created to celebrate the voices of children and young people.

“We invited 15 students to talk about their lives in WA, what they enjoy doing, what’s important to them and what words of advice they had to others,” Ms McGowan-Jones (pictured) said.

“These personal stories come from students living in every region — from as far north as Derby, as south as Albany, and east as Kalgoorlie.”

She said that during her work she had heard many inspiring stories of children and young people who were helping to shape their schools, towns and wider communities.

“In marking my office’s 15th anniversary, I wanted to showcase some of these incredible stories to highlight the importance of listening to young people’s voices,” Ms McGowan-Jones said.

“The stories come from children as young as 12, and by providing the booklet to schools in WA, I hope other students will be inspired to take action towards their goals or make a change.”

She said all schools would receive a hard copy for their libraries and a resource to help teachers incorporate the stories within primary and secondary school lessons was also available.

The Here I Am booklet and teacher resource material from the Commissioner for Children and Young People can be accessed at this PS News link.

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