26 September 2023

Canberra students to get human rights

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The ACT Human Rights Commission (HRC) is inviting high school students from across the Territory to complete their 2023 with work experience from a placement with the Children and Young People Commissioner’s Office (CYCP).

Inviting interest from schools, the CYCP said it could host two students, in Year 9 or above, per term for three days each.

CYCP said it worked hard to tailor the placement to students’ interests, with students helping with their work like taking over CYCP’s social media and preparing its newsletter; creating a Young Thinker Forum piece; supporting consultations with young people; and meeting with HRC staff and/or the Commissioners to find out about their various career paths.

“There is lots of interesting work going on here to make Canberra a better place for children and young people, and all sorts of ways they can contribute,” CYCP said.

It said students would be exposed to a range of work focused on human rights and social justice.

“Some of our colleagues across the HRC help people who have had their rights abused in various ways,” the Office said.

“That includes victims of crime, people with mental illness who have been harmed by the health system, and children who have lived in violent families,” it said.

“While your student wouldn’t work on anything distressing, they might overhear conversations that can be challenging or upsetting.

“It is important to think about whether the placement would feel safe for that particular student,” it said.

CYCP said it asked students who were interested in the work experience placements to consider their wellbeing, and how the placement fitted with what else was happening, or had happened, in their lives.

“Our staff take steps to minimise the student’s exposure to any traumatic aspects of the Human Rights Commission’s work and are available to talk through anything should they overhear something they find unsettling,” the Office said.

Further information on the CYCP work experience placements can be accessed on a 2-page explanation at this PS News link.

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