25 September 2023

CANADA: Quebec PS opens doors for English speakers

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The Government of the Canadian Province of Quebec has launched a campaign to attract English speakers into its Public Service.

At present, French speakers make up around 99 per cent of the public sector — but there are around 1,500 vacant positions in various Departments.

Jobs are open in Montreal, Quebec City and other regions across the Province.

Minister Responsible for Relations with English-speaking Quebecers, Kathleen Weil (pictured) said there was a need to be proactive.

“We have to tell English-speaking Quebecers ‘we need you in the Civil Service,’ it’s an interesting career — we want to get to them very young,” Ms Weil said.

“I think we can interest a lot of young English-speaking Quebecers to apply for jobs here.”

Full-time and part-time positions are vacant in areas such as project management, economics, administration and finance, and statistics and research, but Ms Weil said the Province was looking for candidates in all Public Service fields.

The Quebec Community Groups Network praised the move, saying hiring more English-speaking Quebecers reflected the diversity of the Province.

The announcement comes weeks after the Liberal Government unveiled a plan to address Quebec’s growing labour shortage.

Last month it said the Province needed to fill 90,000 jobs immediately and more than one million over the next 10 years.

Quebec City, 9 June 2018

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