A new multimillion dollar Do it in WA tourism campaign has been launched to encourage Western Australians to holiday locally.
The new campaign calls for the State’s tourism industry to begin sharing its best local deals with the regional tourism organisations or Tourism Council WA for inclusion on a new dedicated website, www.doitinwa.com.
Minister for Tourism, Paul Papalia said Do it in WA would highlight the wide range of exciting destinations and experiences on offer across Western Australia, with a focus on supporting the State’s tourism operators and small businesses.
“The hashtag #DoitinWA will be widely used throughout the campaign, with holidaymakers, tourism operators and small businesses encouraged to use it on their social media channels,” Mr Papalia said.
“Tourism WA’s Road Trips campaign, which has already been successfully rolled out in the eastern States, will also form a key part of the new WA campaign, encouraging locals to take a driving holiday in their home State.”
He said if Western Australians took just one quarter of their usual overseas or interstate holidays in the State instead, it would mean more than half a million trips valued at $249 million for our local businesses.
“Do it in WA is a call to arms for all Western Australians to choose their home State as a first choice holiday destination and embrace the world-class natural and cultural tourism experiences we have to offer,” Mr Papalia said.
“I implore all tourism and hospitality businesses to get on board with the campaign and come up with some special offers to entice local holidaymakers to holiday here.”