25 September 2023

Budget budges Federal Agencies out of town

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The Commonwealth Budget for 2018-19 delivered by the Federal Treasurer during the week is expected to see a number of Australian Public Service Agencies move personnel out of Canberra.

Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the National Party in the Federal Parliament, Michael McCormack announced the Governments’ intentions saying the Commonwealth remained committed to a decentralisation policy with staff from six Agencies to be relocated in the coming moths.

Mr McCormack said that among the moves, the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations would go from Canberra to Darwin and the Unique Student Identifier Registrar from Canberra to Adelaide.

“The Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities’ Indian Ocean Territories (is to move) from Canberra to Perth,” the Minister said, with the same Department’s Inland Rail Unit in Canberra to be divided between Toowoomba in Queensland, Dubbo in New South Wales and Wodonga in Victoria.

Mr McCormack said other decentralisation moves would include the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Indigenous Affairs Group Regional Network moving from Melbourne to Shepparton in Victoria and from the Sydney CBD to Parramatta in the city’s west and a new Office of the National Rural Health Commissioner to be established in Adelaide.

“In addition to the above, further significant announcements in relation to decentralisation will be made over the coming months,” Mr McCormack said.

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