It’s that time of the year again …. no not Christmas but the Federal Treasurer’s (aka Santa Sco-Mo) time to use creative accounting with a fist full of dollars to hurl into the pockets of all with scant reference to the debt and deficit numbers that are growing exponentially.
Ask any mum running the household budget and she would shake her head in disbelief that the man with that handful of dollars should consider largesse ahead of diminishing a debt, but we live in different times.
So it was for the annual Post Budget Lunch held at Parliament House in Canberra, a chance for the smilers – the Government – to bring their ladies along – or vice versa – to have a convivial repast among the movers and shakers of business, banking, communications, investors, travel, academia and the ubiquitous lobbyists, if not to be heard but to be seen.
The journalists ask their questions, the Treasurer ‘answers’ in his inimitable way and we are ultimately none the wiser about the nitty gritty of a Budget.
Let’s go back to the days when headlines were simple, when Nana had a special money jar for treats and not a franking credit was to be seen among the household bills.