Successful capability-building happens when everyone is clear about what is needed and why. Photo: File.
Michelle Gibbings says in a world of rapidly changing technology, capability-building is increasingly important – yet just one third of leaders say their capability programs are successful.
You don’t have to look too far to see reports about how technology is changing the nature of work, with a consequential impact on the skills and capabilities we need now and in the future.
AI and automation will reduce and, in some areas, eliminate process-based tasks. There will be new roles and functions, roles we have never heard of. Most of these will require higher cognitive, social, and emotional skills.
Organisations focused on being future-ready are examining how they upskill and reskill team members.
Capability-building has always been important, and so too is looking ahead and understanding the future skills that are needed. When leaders are asked if they think developing their teams is important, their answers will invariably be ”yes”. If they are then asked if their development programs are effective, the answers are less robust.
In one study, only one third of leaders interviewed said that their capability programs were successful. Success, in this context, was defined as achieving objectives and having the desired business impact. Securing better outcomes starts with better team engagement.
Successful capability-building happens when organisations are clear about what’s needed and why. Gaining that clarity doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It requires a deep understanding of the organisation’s capabilities, which means each leader needs to know the capabilities across their teams.
Consequently, when thinking about capability-building, your teams’ engagement and involvement must start in the design phase, not just the implementation phase. Engaging often and early is essential. When you don’t, you risk creating development programs misaligned with individual and team needs. You won’t secure your desired outcomes, and your scarce development funds will be wasted.
In contrast, when leaders do engage with their teams in meaningful ways, they can better ensure that development initiatives are aligned with the organisation’s objectives, while addressing specific needs and challenges within their teams.
Taking a tailored-learning approach helps elevate participation rates and learning outcomes. When team members have more involvement and choice, they are more motivated to participate actively.
Researchers Edwin Locke and Gary Latham explain how goal-directed choice and action are at the core of human motivation. They say if you want your teams to grow and develop, make the learning contextual, relevant, and personal. This approach requires balancing self-directed learning, micro-learning, online, face-to-face and on-the-job training.
AI has arrived – and so has a plethora of people pushing AI-generated learning. I’m a big fan of new ideas and technology when leaders use them carefully, but be deliberate about your approach because successful capability-building is multi-faceted and multi-layered.
McKinsey research suggests that creating the foundation to support organisational change requires the organisation’s capability program to engage 25 per cent of employees directly. Your approach is not one-size-fits-all. It depends on your context, organisational size, current capabilities, and development gaps.
However, what is consistent is that you must allocate time and resources to work this through – and you will want to engage and discuss this with your teams throughout.
Many organisations have their team members create Individual Development Plans (IDPs). Rather than put the IDP process into ”set and forget”, actively use it through this process. Each person’s IDP becomes a critical part of this process so you can coordinate and align needs.
First, you want to assess and identify the capability gaps at individual and team levels. This step involves conversations, skills assessments, competency mapping and development plans. Then, you can determine the specific areas where training and development are required. Consider technical skills, competencies, and industry-specific and role-specific knowledge. Now, you are well placed to consider the options to address the gaps.
Your approach will likely involve a combination of internal and external training resources, workshops, seminars, online courses, mentoring, coaching and on-the-job learning. As the suite of initiatives rolls out, you must reinforce the learnings. So, ensure active and focused conversations at team and one-on-one meetings about learnings and progress. This way, you are working to embed the learnings while assessing how the activities are helping to close the gaps.
Of course, the need to learn, grow and upskill will never stop. As the leader, keep abreast of changing needs, industry trends, and emerging skill requirements. Have regular chats with team members about learning opportunities and pathways to growth. Consider options for testing and learning new ideas.
This quote from William Pollard, an English writer and Quaker from the mid-1800s, is a great reminder that to thrive today and tomorrow, you must continue to learn: ”Learning and innovation go hand-in-hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.”
So, where are your teams’ capability gaps and what will you do next to close those gaps?
Michelle Gibbings is a Melbourne-based change leadership and career expert and founder of Change Meridian. She works with global leaders and teams to help them get fit for the future of work. She can be contacted at [email protected]. This article first appeared at https://www.changemeridian.com.au/latest-news/.