Karin Lachmi* says it is important to remember that we all harbour unconscious biases and, unless we step up to be part of the solution, we remain part of the problem.
A few days ago someone asked me — who is your role model?
As a female entrepreneur, I really wanted to come up with the name of an inspiring female leader who has influenced me, but I just had a blank stare.
Is it rare for a female to be a leader in tech and science and, if yes, why is that?
In tech
It is well-known that females in tech companies lag far behind men in a variety of respects, and in almost all sectors of this industry — salary, power, leadership, respect, representation, etc.
The gap is dramatic when comparing men and women in tech.
For example, only 25 per cent of salespeople in tech organisations are women.
When looking at sales management, the numbers drop to only 12 per cent in sales leadership roles.
In another example from only a year ago, Oracle found itself in the midst of a lawsuit against the US Labor Department for allegedly paying white men more than their counterparts.
Even at Google — one of the most advanced companies in the tech world (and also a leader in social rights) — there were reports that they paid less for female employees when compared with their male staff members at most job levels, according to a recent New York Times article.
In science
I wish I could report here that the world of science is different, and that this industry, which is full of highly educated individuals, is more moral and has better values.
When it comes to women’s rights, though, the situation isn’t any better.
In fact, it might be worse.
When looking at the Nobel Prize as an example, since 1901, the year that the Nobel was established, only two women have won the prize in physics, and only four women won the Nobel Prize in chemistry.
This gender bias is also seen in other areas of science, as shown by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, which found that women are paid 20 per cent less than their male counterparts who work in identical positions.
The higher you ascend in the education system and in your career path, from primary school all the way up to a tenured professorship, you will see a dwindling number of girls and women.
At this point, sad as it is, gender disparity in the realm of scientific researchers is a fact, even an understated one.
Subconscious bias
Countless “bro culture” articles have been published recently, bringing attention to the rampant gender bias that exists in tech, blaming mainly the white males.
In this context, it is important to remember that we all harbour unconscious biases, including women against women.
So, let’s make some sense of this by answering two basic questions:
- Are we biased?
There is no question about this.
Experiments reveal that when hiring managers and recruiters sort through résumés that are identical, with the only difference being the name, there was a bias toward men.
When the name was a male’s, the résumé would be given preference over an identical résumé with a female’s name.
It gets even worse when the identical résumé has what is typically the name of a white male.
This is the very definition of unconscious bias, and just one out of what are millions of other examples encountered by women every day.
- Why do biases exist?
A bias works in a similar way to a stigma, a stereotype or even a first impression.
Biases have evolved in humans to assist us in making decisions and taking shortcuts and essentially letting us rely on our subconscious to make fast decisions.
While bias in many contexts can be helpful, it has a dark side, a side that we see when it comes to discrimination based on gender.
Personally, what I find most frustrating and difficult to deal with is that people don’t understand the severity of the problem.
Maybe they don’t want to accept that they have unconscious biases and that they might be part of the problem.
As the saying goes, “If you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem.”
That is, when you take yourself out of the problem, you cannot take part in finding a solution.
Ignoring the problem not only reinforces the unconscious bias but also makes it harder to do anything about it.
Why should we fight bias?
- Higher performance and stronger financial results: Bias is simply bad for business.
Studies find that the more gender diversity there is in an organisation, the better it performs, including achieving greater financial profitability.
This causation becomes even stronger when women occupy management and C-level positions.
- Better understanding of the market’s needs:Many organisations are addressing markets that include women customers; understanding their needs and building the best solutions for this customer base requires a diverse team.
- Unique qualities:Women possess unique skills in problem-solving, marketing, design and creativity, which translate into greater revenue and profitability.
- Easier and better hiring:In hiring, organisations that focus on hiring women benefit from the often overlooked female talent base that is equally or more talented compared with their male counterparts.
My remedy
Sometimes I need to remind myself that females represent 50.8 per cent of the population.
Women should have at least 50 per cent of the vote and decision-making power in every aspect of our life.
I have written about my suggested solution before: “50 per cent in all,” meaning that in every organisation, on every management team and board of directors, in all academic environments and across all industries, there should be at least 50 per cent women.
At the end of the day, the more women we have in leadership positions the better the world will be for everyone.
Can you imagine how many wars, rapes, lives and tragedies could be spared if only more women in leadership roles expressed their voices and opinions at the right time and in the right places?
* Dr Karin Lachmi is founder and CSO of Bioz, an AI search engine for life science experimentation.
This article first appeared at www.forbes.com.