The ACT Legislative Assembly has recommended that assessments of value-for-money be mandated for every procurement ordered under the Government’s purchasing practice.
Tabling its Inquiry into the Auditor-General’s Report No. 7 of 2021: Procurement Exemptions and Value for Money, Chair of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Elizabeth Kikkert said the Committee made nine recommendations in total.
Mrs Kikkert said the Committee follows the tabling of a performance audit in June last year into whether Agencies used procurement exemptions, pursued value for money, managed risks and maintained high standards of integrity.
At the time, Auditor-General Michael Harris found the Agencies to be effective and made four recommendations to improve the quality of value for money assessments in procurement.
Mrs Kikkert said the Committee endorsed all of Mr Harris’ recommendations.
She said the Committee also recommended that every procurement include a signed declaration of conflict of interest, the establishment of assurance schemes across Directorates, accurate reporting on procurements, and the publication of further guidance on the roles of, and relationship between Procurement ACT and the Government Procurement Board.
“The Report also recommends that Procurement ACT provide greater direct support to ACT Government entities that procure infrequently,” Mrs Kikkert said.
Further information on the Auditor-General’s Procurement exemptions and value for money report can be accessed in this PS News article and the Committee’s 25-page Report at this link.