The Queensland State Archives has announced that its online archive catalogue, ArchivesSearch is to be upgraded with a new way of searching, new functions and a more modern interface.
The Archives said that when the upgrade was completed at the end of this month, users would be able to create an account to save their searches enabling them to see the history of their record requests.
It said they would also be able to add keyword tags to help make records easier to find; filter searches and search results; and pay for digital copies online.
Archives said the new facility will give users access to the status of records, including Restricted Access Period expiry dates and make it easier to request access to restricted records.
It said user guides and ‘how to’ videos would be available to help users make the most of the new system and new accounts could be created online.
The Archives is also promoting Q-Album, a new and growing historical collection-sharing platform.
“Built by QSA and Gaia Resources, Q-Album brings together our archival collection plus smaller historical collections from around Queensland – from Cooktown to Cunnamulla,” the Archives said.
“You can browse through Q-Album to find stunning images from Queensland’s history, compare past and present images of streets and towns using Google Maps, and read the fascinating stories behind the photos,” it said.